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DietBet Winnings: $397.02

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTSat 08 NovWed 22 JunSun 04 FebThu 19 SepMon 03 MayFri 16 DecTue 30 Jul
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+1.3% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-9.2% Lifetime Change

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Biking Syl

09/09/2018 8:53AM
Yay, Julie is back and Fitness Warriors 63 starts tomorrow!


12/22/2015 9:37AM
Love your chart Marieawhit - great steady progress! You have lost a quarter of yourself, how cool is that?!? In case you might be interested and weren't aware, I wanted to let you know I am hosting a $50 game after New Years (begins on the 4th) - called NEW YOU - lose weight with Marcie. I would love to have you join us! I don't mean to pressure, just invite in case you could use a little extra motivation after the holidays ;-). I know I will rather lose my 4% than my $50 LOL. In any case Happy Holidays to you!

Biking Syl

11/14/2015 3:25PM
Your weight loss chart looks amazing!! What is your secret? This summer, it is like a straight line down, congrats!!

10/30/2015 5:28PM
Your weight loss graph looks amazing! You kicked some butt this summer!!

Julie Lama

10/02/2015 11:11AM
You are doing Amazing! ! Keep up the great focus!


07/05/2014 7:14AM
Congrats on you win in FW14!!!


04/26/2014 6:23PM
Great job ! 16 more days to go! Keep it up!

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