- Super busy lately but still trying over here!! Nsv: closed my activity ring for a week in a row (been awhile), spoke to a nutritionist who told me I’m on the right path (as well as how most food is just garbage lol - I’m choosing my battles there), an extra dog walk per day which now has me doing close to 5 miles of walking in my hood starting Monday this week, and I’ve seen the scale move! Been doing a little too much volume eating (berries, pom seeds, roasted veg and starch) so the nutritionist and i discussed how to make my Food a little less “amazing” ( less ‘toppings’ even though they are nutritious) for 2 of my three meals a day, which means I decided for an amazing dinner for today! My husband stepped up and created his normal bolognese with Turkey meat, fresh and canned tomatoes, extra carrot, and whole wheat pasta. I’m so hungry!