Sherry S.

To be healthy and live a lot more years!

Quick Facts

Favorite Health Food: Most fruits and Veggies

Favorite Sinful Food: Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Walking

My Approach to Weight Loss: Leave out flour, sugar, and most meat

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan

Fitness/Exercise Apps: MyFitnessPal, Fitbit

Fitness Devices: FitBit

DietBet Winnings: $692.25

Recent Photos

Friends (60)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-5.5% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-17.9% Lifetime Change

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Anna O.

01/01/2016 12:32PM
Hey Sherry! I hope your holidays were great! I just wanted to let you know I've signed up for Get Lean in 2016 with Chris and Heidi Powell. Had a shock post-Christmas when I stepped on the scale and realized I'm officially at my heaviest weight ever, and figured now's the time for no more excuses. It would be awesome to see you there with me!

Sherry S. likes this message.

Sherry S.

Hi Anna! So good to hear from you! I'm debating on it. I just joined two, one is a one month one and one is the Transformer that started on the 1st but I just now finally got my weight submitted for it! The other one is called "Why Wait for 2016?" and started I think on the 28th but I probably should have waited since I'm just now getting started today! I had a shocker, too, when I realized I am up TWENTY pounds just from the last couple of months!! I am so mad at myself and just have to get it together!! Maybe if I join a 3rd one I'll feel more pressure not to lose that money! I'd love it if you'd join the Transformer! It's the one that officially started on the 1st so don't join the one that I think starts today! I figured if I had six months to force me to try that maybe I'd actually get this last 50 pounds off!! I'm so tired of getting no where all the time and for so long. I so need to get with it but I still don't feel like my motivation and will power is really where they should be to be strong! I say it but don't seem to feel it inwardly like I should. I hope I can force myself to do it and eventually that will come. How are you doing? Good luck, I'll be rooting for you!!

Anna O.

I hear ya - I am up about 15lbs in the last couple of months as well. Ugh. I would love to join the Transformer (and have thought about joining one in the past) - I've held off though, since my husband and I are trying to start a family. I figure - one month, a little safer - but hopefully within 6 months I'll (finally) be pregnant. We can always encourage one another this way too!

Anna O.

11/01/2015 9:54AM
Hey Sherry! Just wanted to wish you a great day (full of healthy eating and exercise!). How is the Jillian bet going? I signed up for the Powells bet too (to keep me in line for another couple of weeks). Stick with it!

Sherry S.

Hi Anna, I am really upset with myself! I am now losing my first Dietbet. I ended up not doing anything all month but eat things I shouldn't, never could get with it. I actually weight a little bit more than I did when I started! Hate that I'm in such a funk and not doing it. And losing that money! I weighed yesterday and saw I weighed even more so today I've tried to get with it so we'll see if I can make myself get back to eating healthy but don't think I'll join another one yet because I guess I don't have enough faith in myself to know I'll get it done. :( Hope you're winning this one and good luck with the Powell one. I'll let you know if I decide to try one soon. Take care and have wonderful holidays!

Anna O.

Aw - I'm so sorry to hear it hasn't gone well! I've been where you are - eating poorly and almost not understanding why I can't get myself in line. I wasted a LOT of money on FitOrbit doing this (I think around $130!). I've been reading a great book on emotional eating, and it has given me some tips and tricks to try. And really - I am trying to focus on baby steps rather than overhauling everything. The results aren't as great as they were last fall, but I am fighting for them and moving in the right direction. I just had to wait until I was really ready to make the commitment to myself - and then I made myself a promise. I know you can do it too! Send me a message whenever you want - I will be around!

Healthy me

08/02/2015 2:43PM
Hi Sherry--I'm debating about another diet bet--I think you raved about the last Powell Diet Bet--would you recommend it? Will you be joining the next one this week?thanks! Colleen

Sherry S.

Hi Colleen! Great to hear from you. The Powell DietBet was good just in that it had a lot of people and there was lots of sharing and some good contacts made from that one. You rarely hear from the Powells so if you need that, you'll be disappointed. I was surprised on how little they ever checked in but I liked it from the great support of the group. I hadn't even checked it out yet to know it was starting so I need to look into that. I just did my final weigh in today for this one I'm in so I need to get started on another one asap because it really does help me when I face temptation knowing that money is on the line! Let me know if you join it or any others because I'd like to be back in a group of good friends like you. :) Thanks for asking. Have a great day!


02/07/2015 5:03PM
Hey Sherry!!! It's been a while, but I'm back. I totally blew the db10 that I'm in. It's almost over but I can't compete in this last month 'cos I blew all the others. It was a lesson to learn. I've got to stick with the db4's from now on. I had no way to know that I was going to get sick. 2 months of steroids, and then I got a respiratory infection that lasted another 2 months. I'm actually still fighting the cough. Anyway, I'm back on dietbet & just joined a db4. Your chart looks like you've been doing great. Hope to see you around on this journey.

Sherry S.

Cindi, hi!!! It's so good to hear from you! I sure hope you're feeling better now, that's awful that you've had such a time! How's the db4 you're in now? I ended my 6 month one yesterday so now trying to decide if I'm going to join another one or take a break. Been doing it since July non stop. Hopefully we can stay connected through The Present group whether we're in a db or not. Hope you're doing much better, I've been doing ok, the weight is coming off slowly but I've at least lately been able to keep from doing the yo-yo thing. I have finally broke the 200s so i hope I can keep going down so I won't pop back up over it. But I still have a good 40-50 to lose. Take care my Friend, so great to talk with you, hope to hear from you again soon!

Leslie R.

10/16/2014 5:46PM
Congrats on hitting 100% Sherry :) hope i get there sooooooon

Sherry S.

Thanks, Leslie! I finally had a loss but I'm going to have to work hard at keeping it off. My weight has just been going all over the place this last few weeks. So I am going to have to keep at it hard to keep it off. Hope you make it there soon, too! :)

Healthy me

10/13/2014 7:15AM
Hi Sherry--Hope things are going well in your move to KY!

Sherry S.

Hi Colleen, thanks so much! I'm having a hard time getting motivated to pack! Ugh, I so need to get busy but keep procrastinating. I need to get with it. I've spent the last couple of days at my storage unit trying to go through and see what I can get rid of. Not doing too bad on my eating though which I'm happy for. Hoping the increased physical activity will help, too! :)

How are you doing? Everything going good? I so hope so! Have a great day and week, hope to talk to you again soon.

debby 72

10/12/2014 2:24PM
Sorry I have been a bit quiet. Been pretty busy with kids going back to school last week :) back into routine :) I really hope u are doing okay :) let's try and chat a little more? If u have time checkingvin daily with each other could be good :) are u on Facebook? Facebook messenger is really easy to catch up :)

Sherry S. likes this message.

Sherry S.

Hi Debby! Sorry, I haven't got on lately either. Since I've taken that job and going to be moving to Louisville, KY, I am going crazy trying to get motivated to pack and been going over to my storage unit to go through things and see what I can do without and get things organized. I hate moving!! It is such a job! How old are your kids, what grades? Your school just started back? What month do they get out? Our schools start in August and then get out by the first of June. I have only one son and he's 28 with two kids. My grandbabies are 3 and 5.

How are you doing? I'm really doing pretty good lately, especially with all I'm going through. I'll probably weigh on Wednesday. I sure hope you're doing good!!

I'll try to get on daily and check in. My Facebook page is under Sherry Sartain if you want to send me a friend request. I try to get on it daily.

Great to hear from you! Hope you have an awesome week!!

debby 72

10/12/2014 2:17PM
Hi sherry!! Just checking how you are going? :)

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debby 72

10/06/2014 9:07PM
Hi sherry! How are u going? :) I am doing great. Made some vegetable minestrone soup yesterday and it was soooo good!!

Sherry S. likes this message.

Sherry S.

Hi Debby! I did worse yesterday than I've done in two months! :( I had a really difficult day and did some emotional eating yesterday and had no willpower at all. :(((( So I probably gained more since I had already weighed in. :( But I am back to serious mode today and going to make myself stick with it and try to be strong! :)

Your soup sounds good! I had made some vegetable soup the day before yesterday so I need to start eating it. Wish I had done that yesterday! Oh well, like I like to say "yesterday ended last night". Got to concentrate on the present, today is a new day and we're going to make it a great one! Right!?

So glad you're doing great! Keep it up and thanks for checking on me, I appreciate it!


10/06/2014 3:45AM
Yippee Sherry, we get to do this again together. Glad to see you again :-)

Sherry S. likes this message.

Sherry S.

Hi Meme! Yay! Glad to see you, too! How's it going?


I have had a few not so stellar days. Mother in law has been very needy and stressful for me and now in hospital so I am being stressed out max. Trying to make it work and go with flow as best as can. Got home super late from hospital and didn't work out yesterday but am today. Made a low carb cheesecake for my anniversary today and hoping to get to enjoy that later. Have a great day.
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