Tiffany R.

Quick Facts

DietBet Winnings: $501.75

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
GOAL WEIGHTThu 07 NovTue 18 AugSun 28 MayFri 08 MarWed 16 DecMon 26 SepSat 06 Jul
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
+0.4% Since last weigh-in
0% 1-Month Change
-11% Lifetime Change

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Kim F.

03/04/2013 9:52PM
Way to go Tiffany!!!! AWESOME!!!

Tiffany R.

Thanks so much!!!


02/21/2013 2:23PM
Hey girlie. I hope you are having a good week with all of this!

Monica J.

02/20/2013 8:53AM
Hey Tiffany! Way to go with the 75%, even if the initial weigh in was a little off that's still good progress. Now we just have to keep the momentum! I went to a new gym class this morning. It kicked my butt, but I made it through without almost passing out or puking. Hopefully I'll keep going....

Tiffany R.

Monica, I'm not at 75% anymore. More like 50%. I gained a few pounds over the weekend. I probably won't lose as fast any more because I am eating in a way that will be easier for me to maintain. I tried to stick to that restrictive cleanse for 10 days but only made it 6. Now, I am making healthy choices more often but allow myself some indulgences. I've got to enjoy life or I will totally give up the entire thing. However, I found some new motivation. I was talking to someone I used to hang out with and mentioned that I was trying to lose weight to which he responded, "You won't. You won't lose it. You like drinking too much." Oh yeah buddy. A sure fire way to get me motivated to do something is to tell me I can't or won't do it! Every time I feel like quitting I will think of him and my desire for him to be WRONG! :-)

Monica J.

haha! My husband did the same thing. He said "I can't believe you gave $20 to that website, that's 20 you'll never see again."

I WILL prove him wrong, don't tell me I can't do something ! Funny how that motivates us so much.

We can do it! I've never tired a cleanse. It seems like a good idea, but I'd probably only make it day before caving....


02/17/2013 1:43PM
Happy Sunday! I'm confident you will meet all your goals you set this week.

Tiffany R.

Thanks LaDavia! It is hump day! I hope you week is going well. :-)

Dwayne C.

02/16/2013 6:07AM
Looking good Tiff. 75% already. I'm half way there. Ran these hills in my neighborhood yesterday and passed on a seafood buffet. So 2 stars for yesterday. Thanks for inviting me. I'm finally motivated to do this weight loss thing.

Tiffany R.

Hey Dwayne!!!! Kudos to you for running the hills in your neighborhood. I have not done any exercise yet during the challenge but I plan to get on it this week. According to my dietbet initial weigh in I've lost 75% of my target but I think that number is so high because I weighed in at night when I had someone to take a picture for me and it was that time of the month so I was already bloated. My weight fluctuates by a few pounds around that time anyway. My friend Ladavia and I are planning to keep joining these DietBets until we reach our goals. I think I may join one each week so every week I have a new weight loss goal. :-) At that rate I will definitely make my goal to be 30 lbs lighter by my bday in August.


02/15/2013 11:39AM
Hey girl. Added you to mfp but not sure how it works. I hope can get in the gym this weekend. I went this morning but only did a lame mile.
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Tiffany R.

Exactly! Monica is right Ladavia. I haven't walked a mile all week soooo... Next week though I promise to start hitting the treadmill (whisper to said that last week. LOL)


You will fit it in. But you've been better about your diet that I have been. I have only truly denied myself soda and then recently cheese for lent. I just ate a slice of sweet potato pie. But it was for a good cause! I bought it from some med students at a bake sale.

Monica J.

02/15/2013 7:22AM
We've made it a week. So far I've only had one set back...We can do it!
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Monica J.

What's a salad without cheese, croutons and dressing ?? I just make sure I do a lite dressing and a reasonable portion of cheese and croutons. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable lunch!

Tiffany R.

LOL! You're right Monica. :-) That is why I said I don't really call it a slip and overall I'm really proud of myself for not having bang bang. I think that is the first time since I discovered Bonefish grill around 2005 that I've been there and did not have bang bang shrimp.


02/11/2013 8:24AM
Im so excited about this challenge. I havent been to the gym in months! Thank you for inviting me. Im going to keep entering them until I reach my goal.

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Tiffany R.

Oh booo! I don't have an iPhone either (and don't want one). That may be the reason why I am not using it already. :-(


Why wasn't I invited to gympact?! I have an iPhone and let me tell you ladies, you are missing out.


02/11/2013 7:00AM
Go Tiff!!! I will be your biggest cheerleader!!! Love you!!

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Tiffany R.

We are gonna be each other's biggest cheerleaders! I'm happy you joined!

Aimee F.

02/11/2013 5:55AM
Good luck home slice. Only gotta lose 5 lbs for the challenge, but shiiiiiiiiiit, we will see how far we get!

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Tiffany R.

I know you'll do it Aimee! And if you don't it will simply because you are getting toned and gaining all that muscle which ways more than fat! I can't wait to see you and see those guns you've got now :-)