Well my 30 day weitloss bet has officially started today. I am determined to take off the 4% of my bodyweight to be one of this seasons winners. I started my day with a two hour hike on a section of the Quatchita trail in Arkansas. It felt wonderful being outdoors this morning with the cool air and light breeze. I only wish that my little dog had not been injured himself, so that he could have tagged along. I spotted deere,squirl,birds,and even a copperhead along my hike. I will have to say that the Copperhead was not pleased to see my boots walking by,as he struck out at me. Fortunatly I was able to avoid his dangerous attempt at sinking his fangs into me. As i stood there looking at him and he at me, i came to the conclusion that for today I would back down and walk out the way I came in. I am not sure what day two will involve,but i plan on doing something interesting along with something that is going to burn some calories.
Michelle B.