Hey Betters!!
I was going to give away one of My secrets to walking off a few more calories but I forgot to snap a photo of the secrets.
Insead I am going to talk about knees. I am pretty lucky that at almost 60 I don't have arthritis in My knees. The proof is in recent xrays. In the doc's words, "Dang good knee bones" However they do hurt. Said doc gave Me a steroid shot to see if that would help. It did but there is still some pain. So that would lead me to suspect there is more than a problem of inflamation. I will be checking it out with a physical therapist tomorrow. If that fails it will be time for an MRI.
In the meantime I know that losing some weight is going to help no matter what the prognosis. Not only will it take some weight off the knees but also a lot of other joints that take abuse in the feet. According to healthline.com "Each pound of weight loss can reduce the knee-joint load by four pounds. Lose just 10 pounds, and that's 40 fewer pounds per step your knees have to support.Apr 14, 2015
40 pounds is a lot to get off your knees and feet!
So far the pain hasn't stopped Me from walking. Its uncomfortable but walking isn't making it worse so until I hear otherwise I'll keep going. Plus My dog's sad eyes just won't let Me even conisider it at this point. I have to say that pup gives Me a LOT of inspiration.
If you are getting to the age where little aches and pains are starting up.... take heed. Lossing it now might help you keep your original knees. Seems everyone I know is getting knee replacements starting in there 50's.. I am going to do My best to not join in My 60's.