Time flys. Just 7 days away from the start of a New Game. I am pretty excited about this one. Why you might ask? Well it is timed just right. And its one I created to benifit my 4 legged friends.
I can weight in after Thanksgiving and it ends before Christmas. Not that I plan to go crazy eating on Thanksgiving. But if I eat early and leave plenty of time for a long walk that evening and another the next day I think I can have a little extra. The extra will be a BIG slice of pie. I don't do dairy anymore but found a great reciepe that is actually vegan. I'll post the reciepe location if anyone is interested.
OK .. back to the game. I have a gift cards to give away to one of the first 25 entrants and more give away challenges after the game starts.
Here is the link http://dbet.me/F41BP5 Have a fab day!
Flash and Billy dog