Good Morning, or afternoon depending where you are in the world.
Yesterday I got some amazing news. I recieved my blood work results back. We had a local health fair that will do a chemisty panel for a very low fee.
Normally I wouldn't bother with going to such a thing. I feel fine. No worries. I know my cholesterol is high. I am just on the edge of pre diabetic and vitamin D is low. Of course everyones vitamin D is low if you live in Alaska.
However My amazing partner in life is a bit more health concious than I am and insisted, begged and pleaded I go. There was probably also a bribe in there. So off I went on an empty stomach to the folks that draw blood for a living. And I actually got a person who was able to get blood with the first needle. The last fair I had attended before this one, it took 4 sticks.. in the hand.. double ouch!!
Well I don't know that I can contribut all the good news on the blood work to the diet but it sure was a large part of it. I have been supplementing with vitamin D every day.. That came back in a great range for the first time in My life. I am no longer pre diabetic and my cholesterol has dropped 25 points.
So remember its not all about looks. Even more important is the good you are doing for your body. Eat more veggies, less meat and excersice. Even if you don't win every challenge your body will thank you for even the least headway. I don't guarantee it will work for everyone but it sure is for Me.
Good luck
PS If you want to enter another game after the thanksgiving dinner here it is http://dbet.me/F41BP5