I had this crazy idea to start a game of My own. I was just sure of the 500+ friends I have there would be 25 who needed to lose weight.. Wow I am so happy that they are all so healthy. Way to go FB friends. Which means I need some other folks to join in the fun of Pounds for Pups.
I came up with the name Pounds for Pups becaues My entry fee and winnnings will go to a dog rescue. If you join the game you don't have to do that. But you'll know it will help a pup out somewhere when you join.
There will be a drawing for a 25 dollar gift card amoungst the first 25 people to enter. After that I'll give away a gift card to a randomly drawn entrant who completes some small challange. The card will be from Amazon or Pet Smart. Your choice.
Come join the game.
As an incentive you can join right after your thanksgiving dinner. No need to start till after the big day :)
Good luck to all in what ever games you are in. In weightloss just trying makes you a winner.
Flash and Billy dog