So I found this site today. thanks to Zuzka. And mostly because I was annoyed that she kept yelling at me in the beginning of her video sessions to check out dietbet.com/zuzka. (I was trying to create my own workout plan going through all of her original ZWOWs from 1 to 100 and making myself a 100 day challenge) untill next time.
This is my many-th attempt of many to work out again, and find that these colder months are the easiest for me to get involved.
I did Insanity Last winter and I think the one before that, but I realize that eventually all of these HIIT trainings non-stop all the time really are too much for me, and that I need to switch it up. So today I am switching a bit of that up with Zuzka by signing up with her "sexy halloween" challenge.
I'll reiterate some of my goals here:
1. Decrease Coffee Consumption to 2 cups a week tops.
2. Increase Water intake to exactly 8 refills of my copco water bottle.
3. Make this a life-style change or commit to the healthy change for a year.
(of course lose 4% body weight and win my deposit back)
1. Pictures of others transformations
2. Hardcore/House/Dance Music
3. Help Others
Long Term Maintenance (once this challenge is over)
1. Allow miss days
2. Protein shakes
3. Vitamins
This is the small version of my two page list. I thought of all the possible snags associated with sticking to a plan.
My biggest road block is being unemployed. Because everytime I spend not getting a job feels like wasted time. I am hoping exercise will help change and stabalize my mood.