- Hello everyone! We have officially arrived at weigh in day! A few things :
- First of all - thank you all for being here! I've enjoyed starting 2025 with you and im overwhelmed with love, encouragement, support, and all the positive vibes you all bring daily! I love this community so much and can't wait to keep reaching our goals together this year + weve already lost over 5,800lbs to start the year, which is amazing!
- Any problems weighing in please email support@dietbet.com and they can help! Or you can use a desktop computer to reset your weigh in. You have today and tomorrow to submit final weight!
- YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN A NUMBER. Over the years i've lost games BUT always knew I can only fail if I give up, especially after making progress! If i had quit it wouldn't have helped me to lose over 300lbs & keep standing up no matter what!! Win or lose. I made healthier decisions the whole 4 weeks than I would have before - and that's what makes us a winner, not a number on the scale! To me we are all winners just by being here! Be proud of yourself and keep fighting my friends!
- Dont give up - Next game starts Feb 3rd! I cant wait to continue with with you all! Dietbet.com/fatgi…
- Progress photos! Be sure to send me your photos at fatgirlfedup1@gmail.com so i can share with the rest of the us or hashtag #fatgirlfedupsdietbet!
- Giveaway winners will be posted by tomorrow evening and dont forget I'll be posting on social about giving away a free dietbet entry on my instagram/facebook page if you go find the dietbet post to enter this week! @fatgirlfedup
Remember- this is a journey not a sprint and were all in this together! We got this guys! PROUD OF EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU <3
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