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+2.7% Since last weigh-in
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03/11/2025 11:02AM in $200 in BONUS PRIZES! MARCH 3rd GAME!
Went slightly off tracking and see how easy it is to gain but also think it’s healthy to take short breaks from calorie deficit too. Anyway back at it even though late to the gain

Melissa W. , Kat and like this comment.


Doesn’t matter how you start but how you finish!


01/27/2025 11:21PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Anyone doing another dietbet after this? Which one?

Noxide likes this comment.

Anne T

I am hosting one starting the same day this one ends!

Anne T has invited you to join DietBet! You can get motivated to lose 4% of your weight in 4 weeks by betting $35, plus you’ll split the pot with other winners. Join Anne T in Be Your Best Self w/ Anne Traver, CIHC now or learn more here: http://dbet.me/OfijIG


01/24/2025 7:36AM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Help! Sick again and haven’t been able to workout and have just had so little energy for tracking. Trying my best to just keep it steady with good fuel for my body. Anyone doing another dietbet after this? May need to try again to kickstart after this one is done

Kate , T W. and like this comment.

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Megan M.

I’m thinking about doing another kickstarter. There is one called healthy lifestyle that starts feb17th. I’ve decided to do two week maintenance periods in between 4 weeks of dieting to help practice maintaining and also to give my body a break so that my metabolism doesn’t slow down. I’ll continue my exercise routine during the maintenance period. As well as counting calories. Playing the long game here. Plus it’s after Valentine’s Day!

Sim S.

I was sick too, still sick. Dietbet helps with reminding myself I’m in the challenge. I check my weight more and there’s this idea I need to get my money back haha. Versus going entirely out on everything. I haven’t reached my goal weight yet though.

christina s.

01/23/2025 11:34PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
I have not worked out in two days 😕

anon-f70ec8b2-724a-4702-82c7-29e92d18755d@14f5e246-df2a-4547-9d04-16b3a3a9ac2c.anon and Amy D. like this comment.

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Amy D.

It’s extra credit, so no guilt, but if you want to do different tomorrow, what can you do different?

christina s.

@Eli M I just been working a lot of hours and my jobs physically and my body just like nope

Ashley W.

01/20/2025 4:19PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
I completely went off the rails this weekend. Ugh, just really struggling with motivation. Wondering how I’m going to stay motivated after Ilana’s last dietbet is over?

Courtney W. , Amy D. and like this comment.

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Matthew R.

I just reread her book with fresh eyes and a lot stuck with me that makes so much sense personally. Maybe start there, and rewatch the superblock videos.

Anna P.

I love her book You Can Drop It! I have it audio and it’s honestly amazing!


01/12/2025 9:18PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Help! Any tips to get mindset back in shape!? was so sick last dietbet with bronchitis and trying to get my head back in a healthy mindset for this game and more so lifestyle

Sharon B. , Megan M. and like this comment.

Heather S.

Helping my mindset stay in place is forcing myself to exercise even when I don’t want to because it sets my day up. It keeps me going and on track. You feel motivated after you get up and get moving and the next day when you ate right and moved your body, you see it reflected on the scale and that also keeps you motivated. Glad you’re feeling better from being sick. Hope you crush your goals this bet!


Thank you!


12/26/2024 6:12PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Anyone else gain weight since the last Dietbet? :(

Addie Rose , Carmela A. and like this comment.

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The struggle is real :( but we’ll get there

Valerie M.

My scale batteries died and the screw is stripped so I haven’t weighed myself in 5 days. I am partly afraid to weigh myself. I think there will be a jump in weight but my clothes still feel good as long as they aren’t jeans :joy:


12/25/2024 11:56PM in January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN
Unfortunately didn’t win the last dietbet due to getting bronchitis. Want to get back in the game this time! 🙌

Addie Rose , Carmela A. and like this comment.

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Exact Same!

Valerie M.

Sickness has been hitting my household hard this holiday! Praying for a healthy New Year!!