DietBet Winnings: $194.89
Apr 1-2 Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes! - Round 3
Happy Wednesday! How's everyone doing? Are you staying on track and in it to win it?
Sometimes we may find ourselves relaxing a bit on our plan. Maybe when we've made great progress and feel like we can coast along. Sometimes we do it when we feel things are moving too slowly and we start to give up.
Don't give in to this temptation. It can lead to the path that got us all here in the first place.
These are great times to remember why you started and keep going strong on your plan! This is the time to create lifelong habits as you navigate all the feelings that come along with this journey. Remember why you started my friends!
Are you seeing progress? Do you have any NSV's to share (non-scale victories)? This is THE place to brag. And please, let us know if you need some tips, tricks, or encouragement.
Tara D. , Healthier N. and 48 others like this photo.