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03/18/2025 8:23AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
14 days til our next weigh in! For those of you like me, who haven't seen the scale budge this month ... What do you plan on changing/committing to for these next 14 days??

Abby , Sandi R. and like this comment.

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Naomi D.

Yes I need to commit too, I am similar to you Lauren - sticking to 2 meals in my eating window, they need to at least be "good" meals and as many "optimal" as possible... And NO MORE CHEATS outside my eating window, they are always unhealthy and I had one cheat on my birthday a few weeks ago and that started the occasional cheat cycle for me.... I need to stop that!!


I am committing to getting in at least 8k steps a day sticking to my 16h fasting window and no alcohol.


03/16/2025 1:36PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Where is everyone?!?! It's been so quiet in here lately! :(

Katherine , Naomi D. and like this comment.

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I'm still here! Just not posting as much. I'll try to get back into doing that. Kids were just on spring break.


Running kids to all the spring events and fitting the gym in where I can. I think this is the first I've opened the app in 2 weeks. LOL

It's still motivating that you all are here.

Danielle W.

03/11/2025 8:29AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • Just weighed out on two different kick starters. I win again!

Vic W. , Joshua Y. and like this photo.

Karen P.



03/09/2025 3:18PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
My diet is off the rails due to a stressful week that involved birthdays, flagrant disobedience from a child, and a concussion—all involving the same kid. I was doing so well! How to ease myself back on the rails?

WayBetter Kristin , Caryn and like this comment.

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Start by planning the food, order the food, meal prep the food and just eat what you planned.


You recognized and corrected, that’s a victory in my book!


03/06/2025 9:17AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
  • I'm 3 days post antibiotic, and trying like mad to replenish my microbiome (I'm a huge microbiome nerd). One of the GI Drs I follow on social media (and he's written a few books/cookbook as well) advocates for 30 unique plants a week. It sounds hard, but if you're predominantly vegan (like I am) it's super doable, with a little intention. In 3 days, here is a list of the 26(!!!) plants i've consumed (plants being grains, nuts, fruits & veggies):
    Bulgar, Peas, Carrots, Onions, Chickpeas, Tomato, Rice, Sweet potato, Cabbage, Pumpkin Seeds, Apple, Soy, Wheat, Beets, Raspberries, Spinach, Greens, Hemp, Pecan, Artichokes, Black olives Red pepper, Cucumber, Banana, Blueberries, Almonds
    And for dinner tonight I'll be adding corn and quinoa and green beans to that list, so I'll be at 29 in 3 days! This biodiversity gives the probiotics I'm consuming the best chance to recolonize and thrive in my gut.

Angela G. , Michelle M. and like this photo.

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@KarenP that is good to know about walking outside! I try to walk my dogs in the evening when it isn't too cold/windy out, but I'm not outside enough, I know!

Michelle M.



03/02/2025 5:26PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
Wait…looks like the game is saying I can still weigh in? Is that right…?

WayBetter Kristin , Amaris S. and like this comment.

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Naomi D.

Yes weigh in was today too! Cutting it close, but see if you can get in before it closes tonight!

WayBetter Kristin

Yes, each weigh-in period for this game will be the 1st and 2nd of the month, so you always have 48 hours. I hope it went well!


03/01/2025 4:11PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
I DID IT! I don’t know how, and I don’t think I deserve it, ☺ but I made it and got my weigh-in verified!

Amaris S. , Nancy N. and like this comment.

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Naomi D.

WOW congrats!! :clap::tada:

Eli M

you absolutely deserve it. Congrats!


03/01/2025 11:50AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
March 1 really sneaks up on you! Was glad to weigh in today low enough to also hit my goal for my Monday weigh-in, which means I should be able to reuse it (assuming no DB glitch like happened in another game last month).

I have no plans to self-sabatoge before then,
but it's nice to not have to deal with the whole process too many times.

Anyone else have that Process? Gotta move the rug, move the scale to the mirror, open up the shades and turn on the lights to get it bright enough, etc! And I shouldn't even have to move the rug but one time my weigh-in was rejected because something about the angle of the photo made them think the scale was on the rug, even though it wasn't. So since then I make sure it's very clearly distant!

Amaris S. , Eli M and like this comment.

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Christy B

I’m right there with you! Flip the rug in half just incase, move the scale, set up the mirror & don’t cut off an arm or head

Eli M

YES! its a process for me too! I'm usually rearranging the shelves two or 3 book shelves to get the space right for the camera angle


03/01/2025 11:38AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
The scale is going the wrong way today! Is that because I’m only drinking water (and one coffee this morning)?

JP , Amaris S. and like this comment.

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Karen P.

I usually weigh the least around 11am, after coffee but before food or a very light breakfast. I’ve been drinking extra water today, but I’m worried about my sodium intake. I can’t really control what happens. But I know a good night sleep will help.

I did an evening weigh-in to make goal once - it was a long day.

Steph C.

Yeah, my weight varies by like 2 pounds -end of the vs the morning

Lauren M.

03/01/2025 9:18AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $6,000 in prizes!
I have lost 15 pounds so far through diet only, which goes to show how awful my eating habits were 😅 I’ve worked on portion control, not eating after dinner, and only drinking water. I should be really proud of those 15 pounds but that little voice in the back of my head says I could have lost more, which I definitely could have! In fact in past diets I have lost significantly more. The problem is that wasn’t sustainable. With what I’m doing now I’m not withholding any foods from myself, I’m just lessening the amount which will be way more sustainable in the long run. This month I’ll be working on a mental goal by trying to tell that little voice that slow and steady wins the race 🐢

Colby H. , Amaris S. and like this comment.

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Lynn W.

Way to go. You are changing habits and doing it the smart way that is more lasting.


15 pounds is incredible!! :clap:
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