- Phew, I made it by the skin of my teeth! I think I was 1.5lbs away yesterday and .4 under this morning! Now to keep going, my goal is to lose 20lbs by my birthday in May. I did a 9 week control freak cardio workout today!
Favorite Health Food: Sweet potatoes & avocado
Favorite Sinful Food: Chips!
My Weight Loss Program: Beachbody
My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan
Fitness Devices: FitBit
DietBet Winnings: $4,681.66
Mar 22-23 Spring Melt
The DietBet Kickstarter - $500 Pot Bonus! (26 days to go)
Spring Melt (26 days to go)
Fatgirlfedup's Fierce February Dietbet (Winner)