Courtney W.

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Courtney W.

Ok! I’m heading out of town for a girls weekend. I’m going to call it 2B rockstars book club! I think I might need to start it on Tuesday just bc my weekend is crazy but I’ll keep you posted once I set it up! Still learning!!!

Courtney W.

Alissa, I’m not an expert but I can record them!! I know people
Love Ilana’s calls so I thought maybe we could just zoom and talk about the book or our trackers or our wins or whatever :)

Courtney W.

03/12/2025 6:20AM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
Ok, who is in and what do we want?
If Melissa isn’t able to host, I’ve decided to give it a try! Melissa, let me know if you do want to host. Otherwise…here are options:

1. Traditional kickstarter with book club, focused on takeaways from Ilana’s You Can Drop It. Zoom check ins on Thursdays at noon EST most weeks. $35/30 to join.

2. Traditional kickstarter, Ilanisms focused. Zoom check ins on Thursdays at noon EST most weeks. $35/30 to join.

3. Traditional kickstarter, tracker-accountability focused. Zoom check ins on Thursdays at noon EST most weeks. $35/30 to join.

So, pick which option and leave a comment, and let me know how much you’d be willing to put out for it (I’m leaning toward 35 to make it more high stakes hahaha). I want to start on Monday!!!

Jenny R. , KT W and like this comment.

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Courtney W.

Your English is great! I’m in kind of a weird place mentally right now. Want to check in here in a week or two? I’d like to do another of Fatgirlfedup’s games! She’s a great host. Should we look for her April game and join together?


Hope you are feeling mentally well soon. I can't translate in English what I want to say, I'm stuck in thinking Dutch words. But I do hope you feel better soon and I wish you all the best.

I like that idea! Joining her April game together. I have added you as a friend, so it will be easy to find your posts in any game we are in together.

Good luck and take care

christina s.

03/10/2025 4:46PM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
  • A little bit disappointing I didn't make my weight but that scale just didn't budge like it did last time

Lifa , Deanna B. , Fit RN mom , Tara B. and Julie H. like this photo.

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Misty W.

You did lose, and that is a win. You are amazing and helped encourage everyone :heart:

Ashley W.

You still made great progress!

Deanna B.

03/10/2025 8:30AM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
Is there another group? I'd love to join again.
Not sure im going to win this one (constipated due to period starting) but id love to keep going!

If I could be more consistent I'd set up my own, but I know I'd be missing for days. ☹

Lifa , Melissa W. , Tara B. , Courtney W. and Julie H. like this comment.

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Courtney W.

Would you be interested in that?

Deanna B.

My goal is still weightless, but yes. Any bunny group would be beneficial! ^_^

Courtney W.

03/08/2025 8:34AM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
I am a health mess. I started this challenge so strong and am scraping by at the skin of my teeth. I would really like to recommit next week and work on building the rest of my habits healthy! I need more sleep!!!!

Deanna B. , Tara B. , Julie H. and Ashley W. like this comment.

Melissa W.

Courtney - I think you need to celebrate how you’ve continued to show up here. You have been one of the most encouraging when I started this and I don’t think you realize how much that meant to me. Thank you! So while things are messy (and that really sucks, I’m so sorry you are going through a messy health time) I hope you see how strong you are. I hope you continue to work on building those good habits because you’ve got grit! Thanks for staying in this the whole time!

Courtney W.

It helps to have people with a similar mindset ;) I was so thrilled when you mentioned this challenge, and having it has kept me checking in, even when I don’t want to. I’m grateful for you! And I really appreciate all of your very kind words! I love the positive energy in this group. Please srsly let us know if you decide to host a maintenance! I don’t know how to host these but if you decide not to, I might try it! I could really use the continued 2B mindset friends :)

christina s.

03/07/2025 7:43PM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
  • Lunch time it was a papa John bowl I have bell pepper and two Bread sticks.

Julie H. and Melissa W. like this photo.

Courtney W.

I had one of these bowls last night! Got the veggie one and it was great! Might try that again next time we have a family papa John’s night :)

Melissa W.

You are so awesome at sharing your progress and food with us! I really appreciate how much you’ve shown up for this Diet Bet!

Melissa W.

03/06/2025 6:32PM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
I started looking at creating a new game but Diet Bet will only allow me to start a weight loss game. I was hoping to be able to do a weight maintenance group. I didn’t have a lot of time to look in to it today. If anyone would like to create a game, please post about it here!

Lifa and KT W like this comment.


What a bummer that DB will not allow you to start another Kickstarter. Although I haven't been actively posting here, I have enjoyed the game/your hosting tremendously! I hope DB will let you start another Kickstarter after this one has ended officially. But thank you so much for hosting and all that you've done!!

Courtney W.

Hey, sorry! I looked into it to and am offering to do a kickstarter if anyone wants! I made a post toward the top of the game :)

Courtney W.

03/04/2025 5:24AM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
Update: kitty came home late last evening, and she is still recovering but doing better. There didn’t seem to be any real reason she had the seizure. Neurologist has put her on anti-convulsion meds for now. She has a mass in her eye which seems unrelated (vet wasn’t sure what it is, could be cancer, but she does have cataracts). So, she’s home and is mostly healthy.

KT W , Tara B. , Julie H. , Melissa W. and Ashley W. like this comment.

Melissa W.

Thanks for the update! So happy she’s home and doing better!

Courtney W.

03/04/2025 5:18AM in 2B Mindset Rock Stars
Do you all want to do another DB with 2B rockstars? It’s been really helpful for me to have a small, supportive group of friends to talk to about my struggles.

KT W , Julie H. , MaryLou C. , Melissa W. and Ashley W. like this comment.

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I’m down to do another! I have the book and really need to read it again!

Courtney W.

Yea I like the idea of book club maintenance!
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