If Melissa isn’t able to host, I’ve decided to give it a try! Melissa, let me know if you do want to host. Otherwise…here are options:
1. Traditional kickstarter with book club, focused on takeaways from Ilana’s You Can Drop It. Zoom check ins on Thursdays at noon EST most weeks. $35/30 to join.
2. Traditional kickstarter, Ilanisms focused. Zoom check ins on Thursdays at noon EST most weeks. $35/30 to join.
3. Traditional kickstarter, tracker-accountability focused. Zoom check ins on Thursdays at noon EST most weeks. $35/30 to join.
So, pick which option and leave a comment, and let me know how much you’d be willing to put out for it (I’m leaning toward 35 to make it more high stakes hahaha). I want to start on Monday!!!