Favorite Health Food: Squash
Favorite Sinful Food: Dumplings
My Preferred Method of Exercise: Pickleball
My Approach to Weight Loss: Structure
My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program
My Diet Plan: I don't follow a plan
Fitness/Exercise Apps: MyFitnessPal
Fitness Devices: I don't use a device
DietBet Winnings: $654.79
January Jumpstart w/ Ilana Muhlstein MS, RDN (Runner-up)
The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings! (Runner-up)
$200 in BONUS PRIZES! AUGUST 29th GAME! (Runner-up)
Member Maintainer (Winner)
The DietBet Kickstarter - Double Your Winnings! (Runner-up)
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Carmela A. , Alexa S. , Courtney W. , Sabrina D and Carly S. like this comment.
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